Saturday, September 26, 2015

Learning to Change, Changing to Learn

Keith Kruger's declaration that education was below coal mining as it related to its technology intensiveness was truly an insight into the mountain we face in public education. His work with CoSN over the years highlights this fact even more clearly--that in 25 years as Educational Technology (caps intentional) has grown, our ability to "face the pace" has diminished.


  1. Learning lots so far this morning!

  2. Your phrase, "face the pace" is a great way of describing our systematic inability to keep up with the speed at which technology is changing.

  3. Truly shocking fact that education is dead last. Something has to change!

  4. blogging! Aaaay!! getting there! thank you!

  5. Keith Kruger is new to me. I'm looking forward to exploring some of his work.

  6. Your phrase, "face the pace" is a great way of describing our systematic inability to keep up with the speed at which technology is changing.
