Friday, November 13, 2015

Final Class - Nov 14, 2015's here, our final class of EDAD 536. This went entirely too quickly. It feels we're just getting started.

It's my hope this course met your expectations. Even though you'll do a more formal feedback at the end for Lewis & Clark, I'd love your more informal feedback for future classes.

The design and purpose of this class is to always make things relevant. This world of Educational Technology is large and I never expected to come close to covering it all.

However, I'm hopeful your interest is further piqued, and the drive to integrate instructional technology in your school setting has been inspired.

Thanks for your interest and engagement this fall!



  1. This class has forced me to get deeper in the work (as it applies to instructional technology) rather than remain "thinking" about the work. Thank you for your gentle guidance in this!

  2. This class has forced me to get deeper in the work (as it applies to instructional technology) rather than remain "thinking" about the work. Thank you for your gentle guidance in this!

  3. This course has been very relevant and timely. I think the most powerful aspect for me has been the exposure to people like Sigata Mitra, David Jakes, G Bundy and Eric Sheninger. Their words, along with other resources you have shared really have me put me in the mindframe to understand that it is absolutely crucial that the technology be in service to the learning. This class will definitely influence me to avoid focusing on technology just for the sake of technology.
